

Below are various advertisements that I created for Delta Dental throughout the years.

Click the images below to see more examples.

Delta Dental (Generic Branding) Advertisements

Delta Dental (Generic Branding)

Scope: Create various generic and tailored ads for various digital and print publications for Delta Dental of Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana.

Audience: External B2B, B2C and general audience

Software: Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator

Outcome: Many of the ads feature the look and feel that was developed based on the back cover of Delta Dental's 2018 Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy Annual Report.

Delta Dental (West Michigan Campaign) Advertisements

Delta Dental (West Michigan Campaign)

Scope: Develop a campaign that would communicate to businesses, groups and members with Delta Dental that reside in West Michigan to make the company feel more local and combat the recent trend of dentists dropping the Delta Dental network in that particular area of Michigan.

Audience: External

Timeframe: 2 weeks

Software: Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator

Outcome: The campaign was a two-pronged approach, one of which was for traditional media and featured Delta Dental of Michigan employees that live in West Michigan, in an effort to humanize the company and show that we're part of their communities. The other approach was digital media (Spotify) and focused on showing network strength and pointing people to how they can find a participating dentist. My coworker developed concepts for use on Spotify, which I refined/reworked. I created the concepts and campaign from scratch for the employee portion. I directed 2 of the 3 employee photoshoots.